Serve/Join A Ministry
The Lord has called us to serve in The Kingdom. Where is He calling you to serve? We hope to see you in one of our ministries soon!
Media Team
The Media Ministry is here to bring The Word around the world to many people that may not have the opportunity to come to Life Way. We would love to have you as a part of our team to further the ministry!
Men's Fellowship
To bring men together in a place of growth. We all know that as Men of God we have areas we can grow in and areas we want to talk to other fellow Christian men about it. Here is the place to do so!
Harvest House
On the first Saturday of every month we hold a food drive to give back to people who truly need the help. We prepare boxes with meals to give to the families that need it the most and would love to have you volunteer!
Small Groups
Having a group to study The Word of God is crucial in these times. Small Groups will help you speak to other leaders that are in position to help you break down the scripture and even give you prayer when you need.
Praise and Worship
Praise and Worship the way we truly show our love to the Lord. We want to make sure at all times we give God the glory because He is truly worthy. We would love to have you apart of our Praise and Worship team!
Children's Church
To help the children of Life Way Church mature in Christ by growing in the knowledge of God's Word so they can learn to stand in faith, exercising the Word on a daily basis. By training children in the things of God now, they will begin to obtain the tangible promised victory that is the heritage to us all as Believers. Our goal is to provide lifestyle training for the children that they will carry with them into their adult lives.
Youth Ministry
The mission of the Youth Ministry at Lifeway Church in Rancho Cucamonga is to assist youth ages 14 through 18 in a multitude of constructive, sensible and important ways. The approach is grounded in scripture, Christ-centered and relevant to the struggles they face in a time unique to their generation.